• I see..and so on
    I see said the blind man to his deft dog..no wait.

    I see obstacles in my path.
    Obstacles I know in my hart that I'll be able to change as time passes.

    I see the few.
    The few in my life that had decided to stay in my life even after the worst of times.

    I see faith.
    Faith in those who believe, and believe in those who are strong enough to have faith itself.

    I see the weakness from within.
    Weakness in mind, weakness in physical form, weakness in courage, so on and so forth. Yet I see the weakness that holds the will to change the rest.

    I see the failure.
    The failure to learn from the past. Mistakes have been made along the way, to many to count. To understand your failure you have to fully understand the problem first.

    I see dreams above all.
    Dreams of a life only read about in books.
    Dreams of a fantasy world surrounded by so called loved ones.
    Dreams of a life that should have been so long ago.

    I see nightmares.
    The dark side of my mind that makes it's presence known he most. Eyes open or shut, the vivid sites surround me. Finding failure, weakness, foiled plans, and the light that comes so close to change it all just out of reach to a room that very few words could explain.

    I see true hope.
    Hope threw the eyes of my own in the mirror. A fine line to hold onto threw it all. I've seen in fade, arise, and fully disappear. I've seen what happens when it's lost. The horror that comes soon there after. Yet no matter how thin the fine line of hope gets. I see my hope in the eyes of my young.

    I see...well I see it all.
    I see what stands behind me, the things going on around me, and with my strength, weaknesses, my hope and love. I'll see things in the future unfolding and presenting my happy ending.

    Yet after everything I've seen.
    I have yet to see the meaning. the meaning to life itself. The reasons why things are the way they are. I don't see that you understand what I see. In the end though, I can only presume to see what others do.