• Cos I'm drowning in my sorrows
    in a pool of my tears
    trying to reach the surface
    but held back by those wasted years
    folloing my dreams for that time
    broke my heart it was such a crime
    and yet the broken pieces of my heart
    they never really gave up
    they worked hard from the start

    My dreams don't even matter
    all they do is shatter
    I said dreams they don't matter
    unless you want your heart to shatter

    Many years ago
    I had high hopes
    that someday I could be
    a singer on t.v.
    I wated to believe
    I could do almost anything
    but my dreams came crashing down
    I cried silently I didn't make a sound
    My dreams don't even matter
    all they do is shatter
    no no my Dreams don't really matter
    they just cause your mind to shatter

    After that fateful day
    when my dreams up and ran away
    I was heard to say
    I don't care anyway

    Cos my Dreams don't matter
    they just caused me to shatter
    no my dreams don't matter
    My dreams don't matter
    Cos I don't want to shatter....