• You come to me, late in the night
    Deep within my dreams.

    Showing me things not of our past
    But of things that we have not shared.

    I wake with a smile on my face
    Yet tears in my eyes.

    The fact that you are still here after all this time
    Comes as a bewildering surprise.

    You no longer walk in this realm of light
    You walk in the shadows deep in the night.

    Everywhere I look I am reminded of you
    I sit here and wonder just what should I do?

    Love that carried me my whole life through
    Distance meant nothing, time had no meaning.

    A year or a day, it was always the same
    Whenever I needed you, to my side you came.

    Do I need you still, and just do not know it?
    Or does your love for me remain, and this is how you show it?

    Miss you I do, more than you know.
    The sunshine of memories now covered in snow.

    You took your own life, the demons did win
    All I can remember, is that slow sideways grin.

    The veil grows thin, maybe that’s why you’re here
    As you can reach me easily this time of year.

    I know not why, or what it means
    All I know is I will see you in my dreams.

    BellaDonna Foxglove 2008 ©