• Maybe i was there,
    Or could I be over here?
    Is it possible to be here,
    And there?

    I walk down the hall,
    I'm not here though,
    Im just think'en 'bout you,
    The way you flip you hair,
    And smile with no worries,
    I remember your touch,
    Your ever lasting kiss
    But im not here anymore.
    Cause your not here anymore
    Your not here maybe your there

    How am i gana get there?
    can you carry me there?
    Or maybe we'll walk there
    On a sunset just like we use to
    Maybe your happier though
    Cause i see your with her
    I see you have that same twinkle in ur eye,
    That same spring in your step

    Your not here
    I know tht
    Not here...but maybe there.