• My voice cries out...
    A strangled scream
    "Where has he gone
    Where is my angel?"

    Where is the light that leads the way?
    Where is the boy, who knew true love?
    Surely he has not forgotten?
    Forgotten his promise...
    Where did he go?
    A place I cannot reach?
    A place of impossibility?

    Of course.
    You must ask
    Who was that light?
    Just who was this mysterious boy?

    He was for whom I blossomed
    He was my caretaker
    And I,
    his rose,
    waiting to bloom

    I was not the only one.
    We grew.


    We lived.


    He saved me
    He healed me
    He loved me

    One day
    He vanished...

    And on that day,
    My heart stopped.
    My mind closed.
    My voice...disappeared...
    I...had failed...

    ...I had lost the one I loved the most...

    A flame, snuffed out
    A life, viciously cut short,
    A soul, taken far too young.

    My eyes became clouded
    My world became dim
    I mourned.
    Night upon night
    Until my throat grew hoarse
    Until my eyes were empty of tears
    Until I drowned myself in sorrow

    Storms assaulted my senses
    I was numb.
    Cold to the core.
    Frozen to the bone

    I am,
    Nothing more.
    Than a dismal failure
    I gave all my love.
    All of my life,

    But was it enough,
    enough to keep you alive?

    It was not.

    You once said
    That life was precious
    Though unjust,
    It was beautiful.

    The why, pretell,
    Did this beautiful life desert us?
    Why did it abandon our love?

    Come back.
    Wake up.
    Answer me!

    But you can't,
    Can you?
    You can never answer me...
    You can't ever again.

    And I can no longer hear your voice.
    I can no longer feel your warmth.

    I am left here.
    To face the ones I couldn't before.
    To face the demons you held off.

    What am I to do without you?
    What am I to say?
    Who am I to turn to?
    Where am I to go?

    You may think me cruel.
    It makes me laugh.
    How ironic, that you,
    My savior, my knight in shining armor,
    Who helped me through all the sadness and despair
    Left me with all the burden to bear?

    You who fought my battles.
    You who was always there.
    Left me, with the biggest battle of all.

    And this is as the saying goes.
    The ones you love,
    Will hurt you the most.
    But was it truly you,
    who hurt me?
    Or was it the Fates,
    that snatched you away?

    I must admit.
    It is my fault
    It is my own doing that you are not here.

    I saw the signs
    And I let you die.
    I let the one I truly loved,
    Slip through my fingers

    How could I be so blind?
    Why could I not tell?
    So simple were the symptoms
    The ones Death bring.

    What seems to be a sore muscle
    Could be so much more
    So much more complicated
    That of an old pillow
    Or a bad night's rest

    And what's more amusing,
    than a child dying
    What, I ask, is more amusing,
    than seeing a parent have to bury their child?

    It is, after all, quite amusing.

    Amusing as it is.
    I am reminded.
    Reminded that I took you for granted
    And though you left many promises unfufilled,
    I have committed a greater crime.
    I took you for granted.

    I believed it could never happen.
    One never expects someone to die so young.
    And I believed that we were...
    That our love could prevail over all.
    That our love...was special.

    But it seems that Death is unkind.
    For it will take any and all...
    I just believed...it would wait.
    For us.

    Through it all,
    I wallowed in my misery.
    Remembering your virtues
    Wondering if I would become something...
    Something you would be proud of...
    And I remember.

    You were so strong.
    So intelligent.
    So gifted.
    And yet,
    This was something so simple,
    So minute,
    And it brought you down.
    Like a gun to the head
    Like a knife in the heart.

    I would gladly trade it all
    My life
    My dreams
    My ambitions.
    I would trade the sun, moon, starts and earth
    Just to have you back
    Just to have you with...me.

    And you ask,
    "who is this boy?"

    This boy was an angel on earth.
    A human Adonis,
    With the clearest of azure eyes.
    Deeper than the oceans,
    And a heart more vast.
    He never left one in need,
    No matter what the cost.
    He sacrificed himself,
    Always for the sake of others.
    This was one who was selfless
    As if he knew exactly what would happen

    And as I write this
    It dawns on me.
    That he may have known,
    He may have known that he was would leave.
    And it makes sense.
    As to why he made things so great
    As to why he chose

    It makes sense as to why he was so giving,
    So selfless.

    As I see the faces in the crowd,
    I ask but one simple thing
    I ask that you cherish love
    I ask that you remember life is finite
    I ask that you always are grateful for love
    The love that was taken...from me.

    Now I stand before you all.
    And all I can hope is that him and I,
    Will one day be together.
    That we will one day have each other in our arms.
    That one day, we will finally be able to embrace our love.