• I will never forget
    The day we met
    Myself so young and naive.
    We fell in love
    In just one night
    And deep down inside I thought
    "He's too good to be true."
    You spoke to me softly
    Through text so hard to forget.
    You told me you loved me
    I said "I Love You too."
    and then we sat
    Hand in hand, worlds apart
    Watching our hearts collide.
    And then you came that very day
    So shy and deeply so tough.
    As you held my hand, looked into my eyes
    You said to me "Don't leave."
    And then I promised you all my love
    And never to abandon,
    Be with you forever
    Until the day that I die.
    So again you came
    Promising me your trust
    And I'll never forget that very day
    You held me close, looked into my eyes
    And kissed me softly, with a touch so calm
    Then told me forever, that you'll be mine.

    I'm sorry I hurt you, I'm sorry you cried.
    I just need a break
    Some time to myself.
    Because this distance is killing me, and my fingers ache.
    If you never forget me, and just please...understand.
    Maybe someday we'll walk down
    The wedding isle so quiet
    Side by side, hand in hand.