• ... Me again, trynna figure myself out.
    Where do i stand in a world so cold,
    In this life... My hell hole?
    One day i find myself feeling so high...
    Then turn around and be shot down by this torpedo of destruction,
    Or getting sucked up in this tornado of loneliness
    Will i ever amount to anything?
    Not once have i felt unstoppable,
    Not once have i said that i can do this no matter what.
    I've given up...
    I can no longer jump as high as i once could,
    I can no longer face my fears with a straight face...
    Everything that i once said that i would be has erased itself from my mind.
    I don't know what i'm am... who i am... where i'm goin.
    Everything just seems too hard.
    I don't know how to fight it...
    I don't know how to make it leave..
    How can i strengthen my mind my body my soul?
    I don't wanna feel this way ne more...
    I want to be stronger.
    I want my pride back!
    I just need someone that knows where they're goin and how they're goin to get there...
    I need someone that's goin to push me when needed and help me not give up.
    B/C It's getting harder for me when i try to move ahead.
    I can't even take my heels off the ground to move forward w/o getting pushed back 12 steps more...
    What am i to do?
    How can i be stronger?
    When will this end?