• CoMBiNeD WIth DaRKnEsS I dID crEaTE
    The HoRrID tRuTh AbOUt oUR FatE
    ToyINg pOwER witH wHAtS AT stAke
    MakES you THInk ABoUT youR miStAKes
    UnTIl yoU FeEl AnGeR, EnoUGh it MAkEs you ShAkE
    UnTiL YoU FeEL sOrrOw, EnouGH to mAkE You aShAMed
    UnTil yOu fEel MadneSs, EnoUGh to maKe yOU say Your InsaNe
    UnTiL yOU FeEl ConTENtMent, EnoUGh to HelP yoU SlEEp AgAIn