• My mind is full of empty thoughts
    My heart aches
    Everyday is filled with pain...
    I live my life with mistrust and fear
    I see no kindness in this harsh world
    Covered in a blanket of hatred
    I'm the outsider
    The depraved, the psychotic
    A consecrated defiance stuck in my mind
    A piece of shrapnel deep in my heart
    My scarred mind and soul wander alone
    In and out the door of life
    Remember, you're always alone..the voices say...
    To face the anguish
    The same horrible suffering...
    That same agonizing pain...
    Always alone
    And they speak the heartbreaking truth
    How tragic
    Eternal agony
    With no death to put an end to it
    Now I know what numb feels like
    To know the emptiness is there
    And yet not feel it
    If I ever needed anything, I need a friend
    Someone who truly understands
    How this poison has taken over
    I can't hold on
    These scars have bled too many times for me to cover them up
    My hell has become my reality..