• Her love for him was debilitating
    It allowed her not sleep nor appetite
    When she lay her head down to sleep, a bed of roses cradled her dreams
    Her love was all encompassing, all absorbing
    She dozed softly in the clouds
    Her heart beat its deepest content in every touch
    Exulted in every kiss
    Her senses exploded in a wonderful array of color
    The world blurred and then a wonderful clarity would transpire
    She could not recognize the changes occurring
    It was a thief-- stealing away all other thoughts not about him
    Stealing, stealing, until all that was left were the murmurs of her heart’s love for him
    Nothing else remained
    Nor could her mind maintain
    Thoughts buried elsewhere,
    Seemed a treasure to her lonely mind
    Of something she was not allowed to partake
    The wall she had constructed for the two of them was resolute in hiding them from all the world
    Ensconcing them similarly to that ancient structure of Chinese design
    She had emptied her life of everything but him, what else could she need?
    Their love had planted the seed
    Of what would later become her discontent.