• Water, A spiritually lifting element,
    Full engulfment heals your body,
    Flowing over your skin, Ever so gently,
    Clearing your sight, Releasing your mind,
    All else washes away with the current,
    Let go, Leave all else behind,
    There is nothing, No worries, No sound,
    No feeling, No thoughts, Nothing,
    And soon you feel not even yourself,
    The sacred separation, Body and spirit,
    Life and death no longer exist,
    You are essence in the most primitive state,
    Being taken away, Losing yourself in the waves,
    Whirling in a stream of selflessness,
    Night becomes day, Dark becomes light,
    Death becomes life, Existence becomes nothingness,
    Don't fight, But dont stop listening,
    Feel the silence, Be one with the tranquility,
    Let go, Nothing matters but this feeling,
    This feeling, Of nothingness.