• The one no one took notice of
    Its gray skin split with flaws
    Rain tumbling down its sad expression
    Watching the leaves fall every autumn.
    Watching the first snowflake performing a dance every winter
    Watching the flowers born in the spring time
    No one there to care for it
    And so therefore,
    It depressed our every thought when walked on.
    Tasting the damp, moist air entering your nostrils as you breathe.
    Smelling the cool, chalky scent.
    Following its curves with your curious eyes.
    Feeling the blank expression as you bend down to pick up a lucky penny.
    Hearing its low-toned moan for attention.
    But someday,
    I will care for that sidewalk.
    I will fill its scars.
    I will take care of the sprouting weeds.
    I will shade it from the cold rain.
    For it is outside of my house,
    And I shall care for it.