• This door that has been sealed shut for so long
    has slowly and tenderly opened up to the darkness of my heart.
    The beauty of the light gleaming through was breathtaking.
    Sluggishly so, hands appear through the wooden barrier,
    and grasp onto my soul.
    This is the day that I became an angel.
    I watched upon you for many years,
    hoping I might find what I had been looking for all along.
    I saw you through the fiercest times, the cheerful times,
    the special times.
    I saw you through it all.
    Your face which shone so brilliantly
    compared to my silken, innocent heart
    was a thousand miles away.
    So here I stay,
    a gazing angel upon her first real love.
    When I think about the possibilities that could have become,
    the dreams that I had wished would be true,
    Three words come to you through your mind.
