• opening
    Attention! Attention! May I please have your attention?....

    Version 1
    tick tock, times a wasting
    Hearts are withering as time fades on....
    Hear what I have to say
    Save the lives around me!

    Attention! Attention! May I have your attention? May I have your attention please! Oh please! Listen to me! x2

    Verse 2
    Cry for me
    As I try to save your life!
    Listen as I plead
    Listen to me scream
    listen to me die.... (to chorus x3)

    Verse 3 (slow)
    See the rain fall....
    See the graves stretch over the land....
    The people mourn...
    oh please baby, take my hand...
    Hear me suffer...
    Hear me cry...
    Today is the day we die....(chorus quietly x1)