• There are things in this life no one can ever change.
    Is it really for the best? Or is it just some joke everyone plays on us so they laugh?
    When we make a change it is for the better, but then when we are hurt
    There is nothing stopping someone from hurting us when we are already unstable.
    There was a saying once “When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.”
    Is that statement really true?
    Or is it fake, like everything else?

    Do we really need for people to look after us?
    Because we are too weak to do so ourselves?
    Is the need to hold someone close.
    Or is there just a need to feel loved?

    Has there ever been a life unknown,
    To be unseen,
    And to be untold?
    Has anyone lived a life that was worse than the past?
    To live that long and to do no wrong.
    Has there ever been a life worth wild?
    To be like a horse,
    Or to be free as a bird.