• I tell you stuff you dont care
    I say I love you,you dont say it back
    I knew this would happen we used to both love each other but things are different now I look at you,you look at me and your with another girl and im with another boy..you asked me if i love you the same and i said yes the questiond is do you? i should have asked you that so i could tell you what you said I respect your relationship and I hope you respect mine but that doesnt mean i wont miss you or stop loving you,you left me with this feeling and now i dont know what to do i thought things would never change but they did well Im droping the feeling and saying good by to the pain and the tears I wont deal with it even when i say I love you Im dying inside because nothing is ever going to change like I said im done with this feeling Im leaving once you push this girl away for so long she's not coming back.One day she will tell you that she had enough.
    by: Heather Walker

    (inspired by Facedown by: Red Jumpsuit)