• To know the one I love is so far away, is a thought I cannot bear.

    It haunts my mind with visions I cannot shake, and makes me blind to the world around me.

    It makes my blood run cold as ice, limbs grow weak, and mind soon follows.

    Things I though for sure, now only questions stinging my brain for an answer I cannot give.

    Dark seeping into the crevasses of my heart, looking to consume it for it's own.

    Emotions run like a stream, drowning me in a lake of tears.

    People there to help, only shadows of themselves, probing for a weakness.

    Little imps looking for fun through the tormented souls of the innocent.

    The illuminating light that once protected the heart, now struggles for breath, it struggles for life.

    Watching tears fall like blood from a fresh wound.

    Crying for mercy, for forgiveness.

    Knowing all it can do is fight for a death it cannot have, an eternal peace it will never know