• The Merchant's Girl: A Lament
    Now ye behold
    The tale of old
    That made our elders cry.

    The story of
    Two faithful loves
    That made two heroes die.

    The merchant's girl
    Had skin of pearls
    And glowing sapphire eyes.

    She walked with grace;
    Unto her face
    The crowd gave many sighs.

    With ivory skin
    Like all her kin
    And silver locks of hair,

    The merchant old
    And full of gold
    Would need a son for her.

    His daughter's friends
    Were all good men
    But had no common sense,

    The man to claim
    His daughter's name
    Could never be so dense.

    He searched up high
    He looked down low,
    But 'twas a useless act,

    "No man can serve
    What she deserves!"
    It was a sad'ning fact.

    The merchant sighed
    And might've cried
    Had it not been for he,

    A solid lad
    And armor clad
    Gave the merchant his plea.

    The wedding was
    Impressive 'cause
    The merchant had much to spend.

    With his girl gone
    He settled on
    A place to live 'til end.

    The lad's new wife
    Soon brought new life
    But soon the danger came,

    The lad, a knight,
    Would have to fight
    To earn money for his dame.

    With heavy heart
    He did depart
    Leaving wife and child new,

    Whilst he was gone
    They both moved on
    And the child grew and grew.
    Three long years passed

    Before, at last,
    The lad (now man) came back,

    His love and he
    Lived happily
    Until the big attack.

    Off again he
    Left family
    And joined the Callekay side,

    But he, time this,
    Ceased to exist
    That is, to say, he died.

    But wait, not yet!
    The prequel's set,
    But the story begins now, alone;

    A child now grows,
    And finally goes,
    To fetch a wife of his own.

    A sailor he finds,
    ...A sailor of kinds...
    'Tis simply a pirate, 'tis sure.

    He joined their plight,
    He'd steal and he'd fight,
    To get riches and spices and fur.

    On ship he met
    Lovely Claudette
    A pirate of feminine sorts,

    Her soft brown eyes,
    He soon realized,
    Were his favorite of orbs.

    Kidnapped, she was.
    He races, and does
    Nearly rescue Claudette,

    Pirate or not
    None could've fought
    A hundred surly opponents.

    A good pirate
    (One like Claudette)
    Would never rescue another,

    Now alone, old,
    Lonely and cold
    Widower and once a mother;

    The merchant's girl
    Once skin of pearl,
    Was now beauty-lost and frail.

    Her heart still pure
    She wasn't sure
    she wanted her life to prevail.

    Once contented,
    Now lamented,
    The merchant's girl is gone.