• Low and Slow
    i keep my head down
    low and steady
    and still not ready
    to face the thing
    i fear the most
    people cheering
    people veering
    is not going to make me get my head up
    not even a love can do it
    so i will get to it
    i keep it low and slow

    Never Complete
    never missing a beat
    of my broken heart
    which is incomplete
    one peice is missing
    no one can rest that peice of pain
    it aches,it breaks
    it struggles to beat
    it is almost done
    as i said i keep it low and slow
    never missing a beat
    of my heart
    is still incomplete
    what a defeat
    i am worthless
    i know i am
    i can't even break the chain
    in which i am in
    i need somebody to free me
    so i can actly be me!
    i need somebody to complete me
    to make me laugh
    to make my smile
    will it take a while??
    somebody who will enjoy my presents
    i can't forget it
    as i said
    never missing a beat
    intil a person stabs me in the heart
    it stops and takes its last beat
    never to be complete
    i have lost my beat
    i am now alsleep
    never to wake
    i have lost the beat
    it was low and slow
    but now never will be complete
    i have lost the beat...lost it
    never complete