• I used to know this girl,
    her name was miss special.
    She used to be close to me,
    until she let her soul flee.

    Now we're growing a part,
    and it hurts me deep inside.
    She used to be my best friend,
    but now our love has died.

    When I look at pictures of her,
    I remember all the good times,
    but now that we're a part my heart forever cries.

    I wish we could go back to the way things were before,
    when our love was strong and true.
    But now all she does is ignore me; I feel so lonely and blue.

    When I think back,
    Im so happy that it happened,
    But we can never be like that again,
    because everything will all be distain.

    Im sad to say,
    but she was very un-true
    Which hurt me deep and at night I'd often weep.

    But be reassured Im feeling ok
    because now I have someone new,
    and with her my voice is coo.

    Now as the days come and go,
    this memory of her fades away,
    for she's no longer bind to the wall of my mind.

    I will,
    for the last time un-wined our spirits
    and intertwine it with someone elses.