• I am walking down the street without any care
    Oblivious to the people around me and the way they stare.
    Their eyes grow wide, their lips divide,
    As I walk past them with a backpack hung over my side.

    My arms have alot of hair, almost like a gorilla
    I am so tall that I might kick over a building like the famous Godzilla.
    I'm skinnier than most, but I don't want to be the size of a keg
    Only problem is I have a big head the shape of an egg.

    My hair is a factor I couldn't control
    When I try to comb, it seems to say, "I don't think so."
    I have terrible acne and scars that don't fade
    One of which is paw-shaped and it's been there since before the first grade.

    I don't have any muscle, I'm a second-class nerd
    I'm not first due to my skill in sports, but I'm too smart to be third.
    I'm a "Mad Scientist", "King of the Lab" of all time
    Others breakdance and play guitar, but the only thing I could do is rhyme.

    I'm not ashamed of poetry, I think it's the best hobby ever
    I want to be a poet now and forever.
    It's just that my guitar-playing friends play for an audience of hundreds of fans.
    What am I? I'm an unknown rhyming at various Slams.

    Never score any girls, I am just too weird.
    Who cares if I have a good personality? I almost have a premature beard!
    I'm skin and bone, but my Frisbee skills are divine.
    (There happens to be no famous national league for that)
    But if I tried the NFL, I'd get beaten everyday times nine.

    I might as well be a Martian, or some other alien from outer space
    I look too strange to belong anywhere in this place.
    So I'm an alien, considered a psycho sometimes, but always the weirdo everyone remembers
    I'm a clutz, I'm thought to be nuts, I'm a freak by normal standards.