• I saw it was raining
    And ran outside
    I walked into the park
    enjoying the rain

    I saw lot of couples
    running to get some cover
    At that I realized
    I'm alone

    I sat on the ground
    leaned my head down
    I started crying
    My pants got wet
    My shirt as well

    Out of the blue
    I didn't feel the rain anymore
    I looked forward and saw that it was still raining
    I looked up and saw an umbrella

    I turned around and saw a guy
    He was reaching his hand towards me
    I placed my hand on his hand
    He helped me up

    We walked into a shed
    I sat on a broken table
    I was shivering
    He brought me a blanket
    And wrapped me inside it

    I started crying again
    He sat behind me
    Wrapped his arms around me
    And kept me warm

    I closed my eyes
    and opened them again
    I saw
    that I was at the same spot
    where I sat and started crying

    I realized
    That it all was in my thoughts
    I stood up
    And ran home