• When we were kids;
    You came into my life to be a friend;
    A shoulder on which I could cry on;
    You became a friend when no one else would;

    As friends we grew up and close together;
    We stood by each other thru classes;
    Thru times in our lives when we thought it was impossible;
    Thru heartaches that could last a lifetime;

    As your friend I covered you when no one else would;
    I would walk with you; talk to you; and laugh with you;
    When no one else would;

    Thru our years of knowing each other;
    We had our fights; our arguments; and our good times;
    For you were the bestest friend I had ever had;
    You were someone who would believe in me when no one else would;

    I want to say thank you for being a friend to me thru our years in school;
    You were a light in a lonely world;
    Who would not want a friend like you?

    I pray that you will make it thru;
    Keep strong my friend;
    You will see your pain thru;

    Always remember that I will always be your friend even in death