• Broken, broken, broken.
    Words clinging to the night air like steely knives.
    Touching each tongue with bitter-sweet revenge: Cutting at throats that long to sing.
    Let’s cut them out of the equation.
    Let’s rip apart their sweet sound and turn it to anticipation.
    Let’s twist and turn and writhe in their exasperation.
    So when dawn breaks they’ll be left for dead.
    No place for you to hide your shame tonight.
    In daylight you’ll finally meet your untimely end, and I’ll scream, scream, scream in ecstasy.
    Just return to me one last time, and I promise I’ll be waiting.
    Have you found that thing that makes you whole?
    Have you lost all sense of morality, has guilt taken it’s toll?
    Your eyes are glazed with morbidity, and bodies start to roll.
    This doesn’t fit into my plans, and now it’s all a waste.
    Just one last chance, just one last chance.
    I promise I’ll be gentle.
    Give me your hand, and I promise I’ll be gentle.
    I’ll glide you over the edge, and oblivion will accept you.
    No place for you to hide your shame tonight.
    In daylight you’ll finally meet your untimely end, and I’ll scream, scream, scream in ecstasy.
    Just return to me one last time, and I promise I’ll be waiting.
    And now I’m broken, broken, broken.