• Opportunities

    I've had opportunities, chances, moments,
    to tell you how i feel,
    but i never did try,
    because i knew it would take courage,
    that i thought i never had....

    I still feel the same,
    daydreaming of things that could be,
    knowing that eventually they might come true,
    but only if i actually muster the courage....

    I can't wait to see you,
    your charming smile,
    your laughing eyes,
    everything about you....

    You make me want to forget the past,
    forget ever hating you,
    making me ask myself,
    "Should i hate him?",
    over and over.....

    When i pushed you away,
    you were trying to pull me closer,
    but i was too absorbed in the hurt i felt,
    to let you in.....

    I hope to be able to tell you,
    that i've fallen for you,
    and that......

    I love you....