• I want to be a tree
    I'll soak up the sun
    And dig my roots deep
    I'll grow to the sky
    And shade the world below
    But what if I'm cut down?
    Maybe a flower will be better
    I'll greet the bees
    And smell ever so sweet
    I'll dance in the breeze
    And flaunt pretty color
    But what if someone picks me?
    I wouldn't want that
    So maybe a rock
    I'll sit all day
    And won't move a bit
    I'll keep the ground cool
    And shelter small creatures
    But what if I get crushed?
    A rock can be crushed
    So maybe... water
    I'll be flexible
    Carve paths where there are none
    I'll quench the earth
    And smooth sharp edges
    Even if I leave the earth
    I'll float up and become a cloud
    Traveling about till I get full
    Then plummet to the ground...
    But what if that hurts?
    That's a pretty big fall
    What should I do?
    What should I be?
    But then, there is alway me
    Being me will come naturally
    I won't have to try for something I'm not
    Perhaps that's the best fit?
    Yes, I believe that's it.