• Erase everything from my memory,
    As I watch you and the girl who used to be me.
    You hold her and touch her as I just sit here,
    I wish you could here me as shed a tear.
    I love you, I love you more and more with each day,
    But with each step I take you get farther away.
    You say that you love her, I wish you would see,
    That there is one person and that person is me.

    So wait by the car door, I'll be out soon,
    And maybe we'll go up in a hot air balloon.
    I only see you, but you only see her,
    I think I'll bow out now, thank you kind sir.

    Wipe away your tears and make yourself clean,
    And maybe I'll show you what it's like to be me.
    It's really quite easy to fake a big smile,
    But it does cramp your cheeks after a while.
    Can you blame me for crying after what you did,
    I'm still surprised that I haven't flipped my lid.
    So I'll burn every bridge that I've ever crossed,
    Maybe then I'll find my way when I'm lost.

    So wait by the car door, I'll be out soon,
    And maybe we'll go up in a hot air balloon.
    I only see you, but you only see her,
    I think I'll bow out now, thank you kind sir.

    So go park the car ten blocks away,
    And maybe we'll stay there and party till day.
    There we will stay on the brink of insanity,
    But all of these are dreams that may never be.

    So meet me by the car door, I'll be out soon,
    Maybe we can go for a drive until noon.
    I only see you, but you only see her,
    I think I'll bow out now, thank you kind sir.