• One sunny morning, bright and gay,
    A man walked on his merry little way

    Now this was nice, calm and serene,
    But if the man could only see that it was not as it seems,

    Behind the smoke and mirrors
    The scenery dissapears,

    The happy landscape is changed to grey walls
    The green grass and walkways turn to endless halls,

    No...it's not a wonderland....
    it's a place where the insane are jammed,

    ...the happy man who dreams of this place,
    is acually a man with a twisted face,

    A eriee laugh and blood freezing smile,
    Here is where he lives, the man named Kyle,

    He laughs and thrashes against padded walls,
    but he goes unheard in the empty halls....,

    Yes this is a place for the insane,
    but it is now a ghost domain,

    Kyle is but a tourtured soul,
    who wishes for someone to make him whole,

    won't you join this troubled Ghost?
    He will welcome you...a happy host.....

    Please come says Kyle,
    come and stay awhile.
