• The rain,
    The sky,
    The clouds,
    Spirally shaped round!
    Fused tightly around like a mound.

    The sky is dulling!
    The sky is dulling!
    Even more, rain is falling!
    Even more, rain is falling!

    ...Don't get sick,
    Eat your warm soup with a lick,
    Or maybe you can give the rain, a sweet kiss!
    Hey you! Yea you...Sis,
    Yes, I'm talking to you Dear,
    Don't worry you didn't run over, a poor deer!
    You just simply need to use your ears,
    Listen up, there is nothing to fear,
    ...Please, my Sis, hear! hear!

    With one lonesome sad tear,
    I got shocked but not by some electric eel...
    My feelings got hurt, best known like the last meal,
    A friendship deal-e-o!
    Stabbed in the back, by a killer labeled as serial.

    Even more, rain is falling!
    The sky is dulling!
    The sky is dulling!
    Even more, rain is falling!

    No wait...
    It's my heart that's doing a duet,
    My epic-a-deal-e-o, set!
    Yes...My sis,
    Epic-a-deal-e-o is a disaster...
    A word that may blast you,
    That deserves no laughter,
    That may break a heart, with the key's first name, master.

    Yes that one,
    The friendship...
    That is now on the run,
    With nothing but a backpack...
    Or a rack sack...
    Even some gum,
    It may sound dumb!
    But a friendship just like yours, is now really done.