• A sigh of pain or a sigh of frustration?
    I can no longer tell
    I am blind to the truth
    I am deaf to my own voice
    I am too numb to commit any action
    I am mute to my own rights
    My life is not my own
    I do not make my own decisions
    I am just a pawn
    I am a marionette
    I do not speak until spoken to
    I am surrounded by people that tell me what to do
    I can’t breathe
    There is no space between them and I
    Not a loophole for me to escape
    The air around me is thickening like the darkness of the night
    There was a light, but now it’s gone
    You were my light and they smothered you with their dark, chaotic, and controlling actions
    You were strong, but they were stronger
    You were loud, but they were louder
    You were a leader, but they did the leading
    Now my heart is conflicting with my mind
    My heart is saying “Yes. run to him”
    My mind is saying “No. Know your place stay here”
    Once upon a time my heart was the stronger one
    But that was long ago
    Now I guess we’ll never know
    How it was supposed to go
    The current dragged me down, but I couldn’t get back up
    But I’m saying that it’s over now
    Because I’ve had enough
    I want to be with you
    no matter what the risk
    because everytime I am with you
    Every moment is bliss
    The love you have for me
    and mine I have for you
    anyone can look and see
    Our hearts beat as 1 not 2