• One night I saw a falling star
    They say that it’ll grant whatever you wish
    It will fulfill anything you want
    Even your greatest dreams.

    So I closed my eyes
    And silently prayed
    For how I longed to be free
    In this chamber I stayed.

    I endlessly pleaded
    To feel those arms once more
    The warmth I want to remember
    The warmth I’m longing for.

    I opened my eyes again
    And saw that it had just faded
    In the dark azure sky
    But my dream, how long I waited.

    Gazing upon those skies
    As this heart silently throbs
    I just broke down
    With such painful sobs.

    I kept on believing
    That my wish will be real
    It would someday reach those skies
    Trusting on what I feel.

    It came falling from the heavens
    It was neglected from the sky
    Your wish, totally useless
    Shedding those tears you cry.

    How difficult it is to accept
    That dreams can only be dreams evermore
    They were meant for fools who ought to believe
    Until reality was never seen anymore.

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