• Icy Spicy and Dicy are swimming in the sea
    swimming along as happy as can be
    then along comes Loli-Cat 1,2,3

    Icy says to Spicy, "Oh, she's gonna eat me"
    Spicy says to Dicy, "I'll be soo-she-mee"
    Dicy says nothing because he does flee
    Icy and Spicy are swimming in the sea
    swimming along, as happy as can be
    then along comes Loli Cat 1,2,3

    Icy says to Spicy, "She does look kind of underfed?"
    Spicy is silent ...... HE"S ALREADY FLED!
    Icy the lonely tuna is swimming in the sea.
    a lonely little tuna, coz all his friends did flee.
    then along comes Loli Cat 1,2,3

    Icy the tuna says, "You'll never eat me!"
    Loli Cat responds "Well lets just wait and see"
    "Come up and play if you wanna have some fun"
    So Icy the tuna high tails it towards the sun.
    Loli, the hungry cat, no tuna today
    Icy, Spicy, Dicy have all gone away