• I am a person who has seen many things,
    The people, the places, the cultures.
    I am a person who has heard many things,
    The songs, the accents, the hums of life.
    I have lived in the city,
    I have lived in the country,
    I have lived in the west,
    I have lived in the south,
    I have lived in the east,
    I live in the north,
    Each experience is a part of me,
    A part of who I am,
    And since it is a part of me, it is a part of you,
    Because we are Americans.
    Because we are brothers and sisters.
    We have our differences,
    Which are plain to see,
    Yet they only make us stronger,
    It makes us who we are.
    I thank the Lord that we are free,
    To live, to love, and to let all be.