• "Moons Romance"
    I watch you sit by the moon and gaze into the stars. Taking your long deep breaths of the cold air. You take your arms and reach high into the sky, only wishing you where there. You spread your fingers and circle each star as you go along, smiling at the fact that each star you circle, you have wished upon...

    Your eyes begin to tremble as they slowly close. The temptation is left on your lips. Moving your hands slowly down your body, feeling weaker as they pass your hips. Your heart begins to race as you slowly tilt your head back, feeling the heat from your soul as it runs its fingers up and down your back. You let out a long quiet moan, as you reach heavens gates. Feeling the light of the moon as it watches and patiently waits...

    The moon begins to set as you slowly open your eyes, standing up and watching as the moon says its final goodbye.
    You take another deep breath and smile at the chance, that maybe you wont share the secret of you and the moons night of romance.