• my little sister
    though not by blood
    your mother died
    and you left
    i miss you so
    you no longer speek
    i love you little one
    i hope you know
    i want to hold you once again
    to wipe you tear
    to tell you this
    "though mommy is gone and you loved her so
    she'll forever live within your heart"
    i want so much to let you know
    she is in heaven watching you
    i wish i could be with you now
    i know you miss me
    i miss you to
    i still remember everyday after school
    you running to me and jumping in my arms
    i pray one day you'll do that again
    i want to hug you once again
    i miss you so and hope you know
    even if you do not know
    i'll always love you
    and let my memory live in my heart