• He is my counter-drug
    Strumming his guitar
    He puts me into a daze
    Every string he plucks pains me
    Like the stab of a syringe
    Raw---for a moment---
    Then Saccharine
    As his venomous melody
    Pours through my soul
    He sings to me in a soothing tone
    Lulling me into treacherous security
    Love; Understanding
    And I find myself forgetting,
    The wind, the cold, but most of all....
    I have forgotten you....
    You, who were my first
    And for a time my only
    I devoted my life to you,
    My first drug.
    Addicted to you,
    Like a drunkard is to his wine
    Needing you,
    Like a fish without water
    But you are forgotten now.
    He pulls another string,
    And the world recedes
    He strums a chord,
    And all sadness washes away
    Nothing is left now
    Nothing but the ecstasty filling my soul,
    Prompting my heart
    To burst with song!
    I soar now!
    As fast as a falcon,
    As free as the wind!
    The music stops,
    And I am grounded.
    But the dream is not gone
    I hear his singing still,
    Resounding in my ears; my mind; my soul
    A low hum deep within me
    Warming me from the inside out
    I will shelter it---keep it---wherever I go
    Until the next time I need it
    Until the next time
    I am drowning in the darkness
    That was our love
    Now I fight drugs with drugs
    Poison with poison
    Old love with new love
    He is my counter-drug,
    My antidote for you