• I see you there looking at me,
    and I know your going to bother me.
    Your looks are of disgust and I know why
    You see the look of depression and hate in my eye.

    You come over, wanting to know
    why I have my head hung so low.
    I raise my head, showing you my face,
    you let out a gasp that makes it seem like I'm a mental case.

    I pick myself up off the alley ground,
    your still as if you were bound.
    As I come closer, I notice a tear,
    giving me proof your filled with fear.

    "Whats wrong?" I ask
    and I hear you mutter "Your mask."
    I laugh at you with like your a young pup
    and reply "This is only Make-Up."

    I notice your looking, not at the stars
    but my wonderfully self-inflicted scars.
    I smile at you like your a gem
    and pull you in saying "Wanna know how I got them?"

    The night is still very young tonight,
    though you seem unusually uptight.
    The look and fear in your eyes makes you seem delirious,
    So now I must ask before you die '"Why so serious?"