• Baby fox
    I am a toyed with and abandoned baby fox
    with nothing to live in but a cardbored box

    I wait for my owner to come back
    and now im getting lonely
    looking into a sky of black
    waiting for my owner only

    I think back to the last time i saw him
    He patted me on the head.
    "I'll be back i promise.
    Now please get to bed."

    So for a while I've been waiting for him
    Getting hungry and very thin.
    So one day I go out to look for him
    He's nowhere to be found
    no room he's in

    So I come up and asked some one
    "Where did he go? Is he gone?"
    I searched everywhere for the answer
    I couldn't find out what happened to my master!

    The towns people looked at eachother and thought for a moment
    Then a lady said "Listen... This is how it went.
    He's tired of you but won't say it to your face
    so he's put you in a box and left you with such space."

    Hearing what she said,
    my skin went numb.
    How could he betray me?
    We were having so much fun!

    Just when I think I won't see him again
    I find him in a large crowd
    I'm so happy
    I begin barking loud

    I call "Master! Master!"
    he hears me then walks faster.
    I run to him without any delay.
    But it's no use the crowd is in the way.

    I know he hears me
    but he wont stop
    the crowd kicks me around
    to my feet I drop.

    Finally the crowd fades away
    and my owner isn't there
    Now standing in an empty street
    my face with an angry stare

    "Fine Owner. You've won...
    Everything we've been through is now gone."

    So then I sit down
    and begin to greive
    As i think about the times we've had
    and the friendship we achieved

    "...I thought he loved me."
    I said looking down and blinking
    A demon whispered in my ear
    "Thats what you get for thinking."