• I see him walk alone
    Upon those silver sands.
    I see him turn and face the sea,
    My letter in his hand.

    My heart cries out to him,
    Upon the silver sands,
    In sadness I see him walk away,
    My letter in his hands.

    How was I to know,
    His footprints in the sand,
    That he loved me so?
    My letter in his hands.

    The poison I did drink,
    While gazing at those silver sands,
    The bottle drops,
    Onto my letter it does land.

    He folds the letter up,
    Standing on the silver sands,
    He sighs, gazing at the moon,
    My letter in his hands.

    He walks into the sea,
    Leaving behind the silver sands,
    He hopes to drown, 'ere morning dawns,
    Because of the letter in his hand.