• what a sweet melody
    so tangy and new
    a taste with sound
    a taste without veiw
    open an eye
    to the me and to the you
    as you listen to the sweet melody
    as you turn into you

    you should be free
    free as me, you, clueless
    and yet i alone a pitty is shall be
    but lest you not forget that sweet melody

    it was a song that was stuck in my head
    at first loved then dread
    i cant see what was so blaten to me
    that sweet music growing through her growing through me (yeah i no i rimed two me's together, but i mean come one really? do u really CARE!)

    you want love and it shall be given to you
    you want smex then it shall also be given to you (ha not if u get married!)
    if you want happiness then it shall also be given to you
    but what you can never have, what you will never truly realize is that you in all of the sadness (even if your mom hariry sasquach who is also a drunk who beats you around and your dads a pansy who shaves his pubes) (not me of course, lol reverse roles) you will never be free until you listen to that sweet melody that only she can sing