• Were we ever friends?
    Once upon a time,
    Once upon a time.

    Fifth grade.
    Sixth too.
    This year?

    Did you ever care about me?
    Care enough to stop me from killing myself?
    Maybe you did once.
    But not now.

    You said you hated me.
    I hate you,
    just not as much as Dougie.
    But I still hate you.

    You can act so stupid sometimes,
    which bugs me.
    Can't you be mature?
    At least you feel pain.

    You said Shawn would hate me now.
    Do you really believe that?
    Gina, Gina.

    If Shawn were still alive,
    I wouldn't be like this.
    I'd still be happy.
    But now I'm not.

    The wounds I have,
    they will never heal.
    My broken heart,
    and my broken soul.

    I carry on with no hope,
    no hope for the future.
    I live a dead life,
    now and forever.

    I can heal myself,
    I think.
    But I like how I am now.
    I really do.

    more powerful,
    and I don't give a s**t what you say,
    or think anymore.