• life is tough.
    love is tough.
    this world and its people gives you challenges everyday.
    if you try to run, you'll be called a coward.
    you're showing that you can't take a challenge.
    and as time passes, you'll notice immensely that love is your biggest challenge yet.
    you'll start feeling what is known as love.
    love is particularly hard to find.
    it likes to hide and annoy the hell out of you.
    it likes to play with your mind, your feelings, and your heart.
    sometimes you stop and think that there will never be anyone for you out there.
    but you're wrong.
    there is always someone for someone.
    someone that'll bring happiness to a lonely world.
    you just have to wait and look for that special someone.
    and if that special someone isn't found, then they will come for you.