• Definition of a friend:
    A shoulder to lend,
    Letters to send,
    A will to defend,
    No need to pretend,
    Will be there 'till the end.

    A shoulder to lend:
    Who won't condescend,
    You for all your tears,
    And your hidden fears,

    Letters to send:
    They might not comprehend,
    What is you tried to convey,
    But they'll make you feel okay.

    A will to defend:
    If not, there to mend,
    The pain will fade,
    By you they stayed.

    No need to pretend:
    For all the time you spend,
    They'll try and understand,
    Maybe give a helping hand.

    Will be there 'til the end:
    A helping hand to extend,
    They were there for you,
    They pulled you through.