• We live in this world that we all home, but we take it for granted as if it were our own. We wont survive, we wont apologize.

    How can we live in a world full of rage?
    Deceit and corruption is just day-to-daaaaa-yyyyy!

    Children tought to hold a gun
    never to come home again.
    we have left our mark, now its time to move on!
    but theres just one more question

    How can we live in a world full of rage?
    Deceit and corruption is just day-to-daaaaa-yyyyy!


    How can we live in a world full of rage?
    Deceit and corruption is just day-toHow can we live in a world full of rage?
    Deceit and corruption is just day-to-daaaaa-yyyyy! daaaaa-yyyyy!