• Feeling your touch on my skin
    Hearing your blood boil
    Feeling that fist to my face
    Must I shout these simple words,
    "Why am I so worthless to you?!"

    Denying the world's embrace
    Rejecting death's cold words
    Shedding apart my chains
    Feeling only one thing...

    My lifeless existence is nothing
    only an empty shell
    resembling what I was before I met you (Because that was when I saw heaven)
    But now I see what you are,
    you too share those cold eyes I once held
    And through it I shout out,
    "You are the same as me!!"

    Your touch
    Your feelings
    Your heart's lies
    I know that it was all a poly
    Your mania phases only say this,
    "Don't go crazy."

    Is it I who broke your heart?
    Or was it you who sent me insane?
    I can't feel the cold air around me
    Or heat of flames...
    Because you ripped out the heart that let me live it all!!

    My lifeless existence is nothing
    only an empty shell
    resembling what I was before I met you (Because that was when I saw what you played me to think)
    But now I see what you are,
    you too share those fake words I once said
    And through it I shout out,
    "You are the same as me!!"

    Though it all,
    behind that mask,
    I saw those tears but I felt no regret
    You only wanted a shoulder but you know one truth...
    I'm not the one to give you that happiness...


    As the shell of mine falls apart,
    it reveals a small dream of what I was.
    The quest I aimed to gain your heart
    was only to bring something back to life inside,
    bring back the light inside,
    bring all my heart back to my soul,
    to fulfill my lifeless existence