• I never knew how beautiful you were, until I sat.
    With you upon your bed that night, quiet as a cat.
    Love floated through the room that night and crashed into me,
    that's when I realized how sad I'd be, when you leave.
    My thoughts would not stop wondering,
    my mind would not stop pondering,
    but one thing that never left it's place,
    was my eyes staring at your beautiful face.
    Your delicate folds of skin were still there,
    along with all of your silky grey hair.
    I still remember talking in the den,
    about silly stuff like Barbie and Ken.
    All of your words of wisdom you passed on,
    kept me thinking every night till dawn.
    There are so many memories of you in my head,
    that put a smile on my face, even in bed.
    you are such a great person it's hard to see you go.
    When I was with you my countenance was never low.
    As sad as I am, I am a little glad;
    that in the next hour on this sabbath you will be with your dad.
    I know your also excited to see grandpa again,
    sitting in his lazy boy chair up in heaven.
    I just want you to remember this grandma; I really hope you do,
    I'll never forget the good times,
    I love you.