• Why couldnt i shed tears when a familey member died.

    why couldnt i shed tears wheni got hurt.

    but why could i shed tears when my father left on that bus, on that dark night in goergia.

    why could i cry when i left all of my friends behind.

    why didnt i cry when the kids hated me.

    why didnt i cry, when he rejected me the first time.....

    why do i even bother to shed tears...iv always thought it as a sign of weakness.

    Tears bring nothing but sorrow, and can be stopped frm the very moment they arrive.

    silly......tears are simply and unwanted feature...they arent needed....

    but maybe the reason we cry is oly for the two best reaons ever..

    for familey and friends......

    of course!

    thats why i cried...becuase those are the people that i truely care about, and seing them go tore me apart........

    somaybe these are the reasons we shed tears.....