• Once there lived a sad girl
    And she lived with no one.
    She walked along the streets, cold
    If anyone else saw her, she would be shunned

    Then one day the girl met an angel
    And that angel tried to make things right
    But the girl was blind, the angel not in sight
    So the angel held her hand.

    But the girl was cursed, you see
    Her skin was made of pins
    So when the angel touched her
    The angel died with sins

    So the girl lived on; used to being abandoned
    Until one day the girl met an old man
    This old man was so nice and kind
    He wanted to change her mind

    But the girl was cursed, you see
    Her heart was cold and cruel
    And this man had broken a rule
    He talked to her, and the man cried
    "That child is the devil,
    No wonder no one is at her side!"

    So the girl lived on; used to being a freight
    Until one day, the girl met Mr. Right
    He was loving and caring, the best you could meet
    Mr. Right would let her take a seat.

    But the girl was cursed, you see
    He wasn't used to girls like that, only you and me
    So when he saw her face
    Mr. Right decided he was in the wrong place
    Taking her money, he ran
    Mr. Right wasn't so right as he had planned.

    So the girl loved on; alone in the world
    Until one day, that girl met a mirror.
    That mirror was so truthful, no; it didn't lie
    It showed the girl what she despised

    But the girl was cursed, you see
    Her soul wasn't to be happy
    So when she took sight of herself, she screamed
    "Oh dear lord, Is that really me?"
    Taking her life, the sad girl died
    No happy ending to be revised.