• My blue walls are so bare
    pictures and posters can't be found there.
    My room looks so lifeless with my stuff gone
    i will moving into a new place in not so long.
    I try to stay positive as i look goodbye
    holding back my tears trying not to cry.
    The big blue house i once stayed at
    is getting smaller as i look back.
    The new house greets me like a stranger with candy
    pretending like everything's fine and dandy.
    I open the boxes and unpack my stuff
    after hours and hours I've finally had enough.
    Weeks pass by and things get better
    i look in the mail and i see a letter.
    Its from an old friend that lives far away
    she was just writing to say "hey".
    Getting her letter was the sun coming out
    i no longer have a reason to pout.
    I wake up bright and early
    i get dressed and do my hair curly.
    I go outside and wait for the bus
    going to school causes such a fuss.
    The big yellow school bus pulls up with a cheerful smile
    it is going to take me away for awhile.
    The bus door opens with a SQUEAK!
    I turn my head to take a peek.
    We arrive at the bug, rust, colored brick school
    i am once again the new kid feeling so cool.
    The day goes by and it wasn't so bad
    i go back home not feeling mad.
    Once i get used to where I've been
    we always seem to move again.