• Who am I?
    Why do you ask?
    If I told you would you understand?
    Would you listen to what I have to say?
    Or would I just be wasting time?
    Why would you care?
    Im just another face in the crowd.
    Someone for you to step on; someone for you to hurt.
    I dont know who you are, why should I trust you?
    So why should you care about me?
    Is that too difficult for you to deal with?
    Do you not want to deal with something this broken?
    Or are you willing to fix it?
    To make it better?
    Well, what if I did trust you?
    Would you trust me?
    How could you trust someone you dont understand?
    I woke up one morning and realized I wasnt perfect.
    I went to school and realized I wasnt liked.
    I came home and realized I wasnt happy.
    And I realized I wanted it to end.
    I searched for a way to end my pain.
    But my attempt failed.
    I could have died that night.
    And I wish I had.
    Now the scars race through my head and my heart.
    Im so broken, I dont know what to do.
    I dont know if I can ever be fixed.
    If I can ever be trusted.
    I cry and cry
    Night after night
    I just wish I could die.
    But really, I just long for a friend
    Although I have many, I feel so alone.
    Well, now that you know me.
    Do you like who I am?
    Do you want to get to know me?
    Do you think you can trust me?
    How do you decide?
    This is who I am.
    Like it or not.
    Either be my sincere friend, or leave
    Dont break my heart.
    I cant take anymore.